The Origami stroller power-folds itself open and shut at the touch of a button, and has a built-in generator that charges the battery with every step you take. You can even choose to add options like powered speakers for your MP3 player, daytime running lights, or an adapter to charge your mobile phone.
The Origami is a full-sized stroller, but once it’s folded it becomes incredibly compact at around 22lbs. You simply push a button and the stroller does all the back-breaking folding and unfolding work for you. Rather than alkaline batteries, it has an in-built generator that recharges itself as you walk. Walking about 300 feet will give your battery a full charge. You still have the option of plugging it into the wall or folding it manually.
The stroller has a handy LCD display that will tell you at a glance if your child is in the seat, battery charge level, and a pedometer feature. There are also several accessories including four cup holders, adapter bars that are compatible with infant car seats, a bassinet, and luggage style pull wheels. The stroller has built-in sensors so there’s no chance of you folding the stroller if a child is in the seat.
The Origami was designed by 4Moms. who took cues from juvenile safety consultants to ensure that the Origami met with every applicable standards for stroller safety. No word on pricing yet, but the Origami is expected to be released in Spring 2010.(