The Treadmill Bike is for people who love the feel of a treadmill beneath their feet, but would love that feeling better outside, and with a little accomplished distance . Bicycle Forest, the distributors of the Treadmill Bike, says it has the same fat-burning benefits of a conventional treadmill.
The rugged design and all-terrain tires allows you to take the Treadmill bile off-road. The bike’s hard-wearing tread belt provides grip while protecting your feet from dirt and other contaminants.
The Treadmill Bike has a variable resistance feature which means people of all ages can ride it. You can even purchase some accessories for your wheels. The Bicycle Forest is a group aiming to promote bicycles and other human-powered vehicles as a viable form of transportation. The Treadmill Bike runs around $2,450 approx.
Published on March 30, 2010