While some folks treat their pets as second class citizens, most of us do otherwise, as they are part of our family. With the Flexi PC Pet ID Tag, you can be sure that your mind won’t be as frazzled whenever Fido goes running off without letting you know beforehand – after all, it functions as a USB flash drive which is not only water- but shock-proof as well, allowing anyone who retrieves your pet to plug it into a computer to check out the owner’s information, ranging from contact number to address, vet information, medical and dietary needs among others. Updating it is a snap – the thing is, you will need to move your lazy butt to do so from your computer. Well, if you can spend an hour reading up on all of Tiger Woods’ mistresses, don’t you think spending a few minutes to keep your pet’s vital information updated all the more important? ThinkGeek is carrying the Flexi PC Pet ID Tag for $14.99.
Via: Coolest-Gadgets