Google has been in talks with a selection of large music companies for a number of months, according to the Wall Street Journal, regarding Googles new music store that is expected to roll out in two stages and help surfers purchase music they search for directly from their searchs. The first stage of Googles Music store could be with us within the next few months with paid downloads.
The second phase for the Google Music store will be a cloud-based subscription service, due in 2011. Google Music is also likely be a part of Google’s Android Market and incorporated into both its mobile phone Android OS and the new Google Chrome OS currently under development.
Apple currently has around 28% of all music sales recently passing Wal-Mart retail and physical CD sales , and Amazon currently around 12%.
Every time you punch in a lyrics search, or Google a specific artist or song, Google wants you to pay them to buy that music. That’s the idea behind the Google music store. If users search for “Smoke on the Water,” there could be one button on the side of the search results that says, “buy this song.” That widespread and accessible reach could make Google music service extremely viable.
Published on June 28, 2010