BlueSLR iPhone app transforms iPhone into DSLR remote shutter
-The BlueSLR Bluetooth dongle and its iPhone app, compatible with iPhones down to the 3G model, iPod touches second generation and above and iPads, is a remote control system that allows you to manually trigger your Nikon’s shutter release from a distance of up to 300 feet.

There’s also a GPS tagging featire and a toggle in the app for adjusting exposure length. The app itself is free, though the dongle will run $149. BlueSLR also communicates via Bluetooth, which won’t require line of sight like Nikon’s own IR remotes. Compatibility is set to expand to include Canon DSLRs and Android and BlackBerry smartphones in the future, but if you’ve already got a D5000 and an iPhone 4, you can pre-order your BlueSLR now.
Posted 12/9/10