iOS 4.3 beta showcasing multitouch gestures for iPad & more
—Apple’s latest iOS 4.3 beta 1 has been given to developers, and several of those creating software for the latest Apple iOS iteration have the following laundry list of features they’ve found:
- Personal hotspot capabilities for GSM devices
- AirPlay support for third-party native apps and third-party Web apps
- Redesigned FaceTime icon
- Multi-touch gesture support for iPad — This beta release contains a preview of new Multi-Touch gestures for iPad. You can use four or five fingers to pinch to the Home Screen; swipe up to reveal the multitasking bar; and swipe left or right between apps. Apple is providing this preview before releasing them to the public to understand how these gestures work with apps.
- Configurable slide switch for iPad — users can now decide whether the hardware switch above the volume rocker on the iPad controls mute or rotation lock
- iAd full screen banners on the iPad — bigger ads… just what iPad users have been clamoring for
- References to the following effects have been found in the iOS 4.3 code, and they might be introduced as live video effects for video capture and FaceTime calls including Thermal Camera, X-ray, Kaleidoscope, Normal, Tunnel of Light, Collapse, Turbine and Enlarge

Interestingly, iOS 4.3 appears to also have dropped support for Apple second-generation iPhone — the iPhone 3G — and its second-generation iPod touch. This could make the current build Apple’s final software release for these devices.
Posted 1/12/11