Every dog owner that likes to explore the outdoors knows just how heavy the most important camping gear that they need to bring along really is. This means that if they also decide to bring Fido along for the ride, then they would obviously be better off having lightweight portable dog food/water bowls that wouldn’t overweight them even more while carrying both their and their dog’s camping gear. This brings us to the COMSUN Collapsible Dog Bowls (2-Pack).
As camping with your dog becomes a party for two, your beloved four-legged friend will need his own stuff as well, so that he can at least sleep, as well as eat and drink comfortably. And those last two can be easily achieved by using some COMSUN Collapsible Dog Bowls.
COMSUN’s Dog Bowls are lightweight, collapsible dog food and water bowls that can be easily folded, making them small enough to perfectly fit inside your backpack.
While the company is headquartered in China, they do also sell their products directly on Amazon (who they’re officially partnered with to sell their pet products).
Let’s take a look at these handy dog bowls and check everything they have to offer.
The COMSUN Collapsible Dog Bowls are compact, extremely portable and super convenient for dog owners on-the-go or dog parents that like to go explore the outdoors with their dogs.

Each collapsible dog bowl measures 5.1 inches wide at the top and 3.5 inches wide at the bottom by 2.1 inches tall when fully opened, and just 0.7 inches tall when fully collapsed (compact), weighing a measly 6 oz. The COMSUN Collapsible Dog Bowls are also extremely durable and (obviously) reusable.
These collapsible dog bowls are made of safe and Eco-friendly high-quality silicone. This means that you won’t need to be worried whenever Fido is enjoying his meal or drinking water from the COMSUN Dog Bowl, as it is completely safe for dogs to eat and drink from.
Each bowl can hold up to 25 fluid ounces of water or 3 cups of dog food. They’re extremely easy to pop up and can also be easily cleaned and then folded away once Fido is done enjoying his meal and/or fresh drink. The bowls can be easily cleaned by rinsing them or by simply wiping them clean after Fido uses them.
Each of these non-slip collapsible bowls features a small hole that easily fits the two included color-matching carabineer clips.

This makes the bowls not only easy to store – since they’re collapsible – but also easy to transport, as dog parents can easily clip them to their backpack, purse, dog travel crate, dog training leash, or ultimately collapse them flat to fir their pocket, stroller or car glove box.

All of this makes these bowls great dog camping gear items. Pet parents can take these bowls with the rest of their gear whenever they’re traveling with their furry friend.
The bowls can be opened and used in three (x3) different modes, including Fully Collapsed (Mode 1) for a small dog meal, Half-Collapsed (Mode 2) for a slightly bigger dog meal or Fully Opened (Mode 3) for the biggest possible dog meal (or to simply fill it up fully with water).

The COMSUN Collapsible Dog Bowls are durable, lightweight, extremely portable and super convenient dog bowls that are great for on-the-go dog owners.

As stated before, these come in a 2-pack deal, coming in two (x2) different colors – Blue and Green – and with two included color-matching carabineer clips.

If you’re interested in snatching this extremely affordable 2-pack collapsible dog bowl deal, each 2-pack is currently going for $13. You can order yours online directly from Amazon, where you can find the corresponding shopping page, which you can easily access via this link.