While citizens from all countries around the world are forced to wait for the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic situation to be resolved, Apple has been working harder than ever to not only keep its business model running, but also to help many worldwide health organizations (like the CDC and the WHO) – in its own “techy” way – to deal with and ultimately lessen the impact of the COVID-19 disease. As such, Apple Maps now displays all COVID-19 testing locations around the entire USA.
Apple had just very recently started to test and then implement this new feature within its own Apple Maps App, and that work started just last month.
On April 11, Apple started by launching an online portal that allowed testing labs, healthcare providers, businesses, and hospitals to register as coronavirus testing sites on its Apple Maps App.
The way that registration works is really simple. First, Apple employees that are part of the Apple Maps Team review each testing site, and as soon as that’s done, that same coronavirus testing location is added by them to the company’s Maps App.
So far, people from both Puerto Rico as well as all over the U.S. (i.e., all 50 states) can now search for the testing sites on Apple Maps.

Basically, from now on, as soon as users open up the App’s search interface after opening their Apple Maps App, the first option they will see in the search list will always be the “COVID-19 testing” option (or at least until this situation is over, that is).
Whenever users tap on that option the App will bring up and highlight/show them all the COVID-19 testing locations on the map within their local area.
Tapping any of those same COVID-19 testing location markers shown on the App’s map will bring up an information window that provides users with the exact link to the official website of that particular hospital or testing site that can run COVID-19 tests.
Furthermore, that same information window will also give users specific information on what COVID-19 testing involves, as well as any extra necessary information about that specific coronavirus testing location like if they require an appointment to get tested or not.