When it comes to nowadays modern lifestyle, having a proper way of purifying the air in your home can ultimately help homeowners to prevent specific airborne diseases and other health issues. That’s exactly where air purifiers equipped with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters come into play, as these can help homeowners to remove germs, airborne toxic and noxious gasses, airborne particulates, as well as allergens, bacteria, viruses, and other allergy triggers from the air in their home, thus allowing them to safeguard themselves and their family from most dangerous airborne pathogens. Furthermore, for anyone that lives with children and/or house pets (which both have weaker immune systems than a healthy adult), as well as elderly people, or even for anyone with a weakened immune system, air purifiers are simply a must. With all that said, whether you suffer from allergies or simply reside in a particularly polluted city, having an air purifier equipped with a high-end HEPA Filter purifying the air in your home can make a big difference in how you feel each day. This brings us to the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model.
The EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model is a mobile air purifier system that combines a high-end HEPA Filter with two germicidal UVC Lamps and an advanced chemistry technology to capture and destroy any fine airborne particles in the air.
Nowadays, most modern air purifiers come equipped with high-end medical-grade HEPA filters that are designed to accurately capture and trap up to 99.97% of fine air particles that are as big as 0.3 microns, which is a specific particle size referred to by scientists as the MPPS (most penetrating particle size).
Years ago, when the first air purifier models were designed, those same 0.3 microns particles were somewhat able to evade standard air filters, and that’s exactly why most air purifier manufacturing companies now look to have their air purifier units equipped with high-end medical-grade HEPA Filters, which can now accurately capture 0.3 microns airborne particles and remove those same unwanted air particles from circulating in the air within any household.
Additionally, specifically for people that suffer from allergies, as well as asthma or any other breathing problems, a medical-grade air purifier equipped with a HEPA Filter can be extremely helpful, as these gadgets are highly reliable at removing fine airborne particles from the air that circulates within your home to ultimately keep that same air you breathe as clean as possible, consequently helping anyone to lessen the potential negative health effects of air pollution.
Now, back to the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model. This high-end mobile air purifier system is without one of the best (if not the best) air purifying units that you can find currently available on the market, as this air purifier system packs a lot of nice air purification features that you simply won’t be able to find on any other air purifiers that are currently available on the market.
While its Medical-Grade HEPA Filter can accurately filter, capture and remove up to 99.97% of sub-micron particles from the air that are as small as up to 0.3 microns with a 99.99% efficiency, the system’s built-in UVC lamps work in combination with its HEPA Filter by continuously shining a powerful ultraviolet germicidal radiation (UVC Light) on any of the airborne organisms that are collected by its HEPA Filter to effectively kill and destroy those same captured airborne particles.
Ultimately, thanks to its ultraviolet germicidal radiation capability, the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model can effectively remove any captured airborne particulates and allergens from the air in your home as well as inhibit the growth of captured microorganisms (such as bacteria, mold, and viruses).
At the same time, the system’s patented Earth Mineral Technology works to attack any surrounding VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) that are present in the air, which then allows the system to break those down to a compound level. This is the main feature that sets this air purifier away from its competition, as it is a brand-new functionality that is not seen in any other air purifier models from other brands.
Now, without further ado, let’s have a detailed look at everything that this mobile air purifier system has to offer you (and your entire family).
Starting with its size, this mobile air purifier system measures exactly 15.5 inches long by 15 inches wide by 22 inches tall. Furthermore, this air purifier unit also features a very solid and sturdy build, which not only gives the unit a bit of durability, but also gives it some bulkiness and weight. The system weighs exactly 38 lbs.

Thanks to that, this air purifying unit is heavy enough to ensure that the occasional “bump” from a child or pet playing around the house – or even an accidental crash from an adult or elder person – doesn’t end up knocking the unit over.
The system also features a sleek, minimalist, and ultra-modern design, which ultimately allows the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model to merge seamlessly with pretty much any choice of home décor that you have around. Right outside the unit we can notice its Powder Coated Metal Housing, which is exactly what gives it an ultra-durable metal body.
Operating Speeds & Noise-Levels
Now, while some other air purifier models vouch to operate at a very (and I mean very) low noise that becomes barely noticeable at the lowest speed, that’s not really the case here. Sure, you don’t get those “really low-levels” of a super-whisper-quiet 20-something dB (decibels) value. However, in my opinion, sometimes it’s simply better to know that these units are actually working.
As such, this mobile air purifier system comes equipped with an advanced and powerful motor that allows it to run in four different operation modes when it comes to the unit’s noise-levels. You can run it in a Whisper Mode at 54 DB, in a Low Speed at 56 DB, in a Medium Speed at 59 DB, or ultimately, in its highest speed settings (High Speed) at 62 DB. Nevertheless, this noise-level is still reasonably quiet, as you’ll only notice it if you’re doing office work (or reading a book) right next to the unit.
Room Coverage Specs & CFM Values
Moving on to the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model’s Room-Coverage Specs, this mobile air purifier system can ultimately offer a Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of up to 250 cubic feet per minute (cfm), offering you room coverage of 375 square feet with 2 Air Changes per Hour (ACH).
Ultimately, this mobile air purifier system can treat the air in rooms that measure up to 1000 square feet. That’s basically a reasonable area coverage for any medium-sized rooms, which makes the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model ideal for using in a large room, a kitchen, an office, or even within a large living room.
When using the unit on its Whisper Mode (at 54 DB) you’ll get around 85 cfm (cubic feet per minute) of air flow. Then, using it with its Low Speed setting (at 56 DB) will get you a 150 cfm of air flow.
If you wanna crank it up further, using the system’s Medium Speed setting (at 59 DB) will offer you a 200 cfm of air flow. Lastly, using the unit in its highest speed setting (the High Speed – at 62 DB) will get you a powerful 250 cfm of air flow.
Power Specs
Featuring an exact 100W of Rated Power and a Voltage Range of 115 V AC (60 Hz), this unit uses just a reasonable amount of energy at its highest speed, making it just slightly energy-efficient when compared to other models on the market. However, this system is not really designed to “save electricity”, it’s designed to SAVE YOUR LIFE by cleaning the air you breathe (we’ll get to that in a very detailed level right ahead).
Once again, the same idea. Sometimes, it’s better to have something that works at a slightly higher cost but that’s ensured to actually do its job properly (in this case, cleaning the air you breathe within your home).
High-End Medical-Grade HEPA Filter
As expected, just like almost every other air purifier that’s available on the market, the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model comes equipped with a high-end and true Medical-Grade HEPA Filter that can accurately filter, capture and remove up to 99.97% of sub-micron particles from the air (like dust, pollen, pet dander, any any other particles) that are as small as up to 0.3 microns (or any larger sizes) with a 99.99% efficiency.
Now, the main thing that the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model does differently here is that, when compared to other air purifiers on the market, this mobile air purifier system actually packs a much larger true Medical-Grade HEPA Filter (which is actually huge) that has a total of 56 sq.ft. of HEPA Filter media, and that’s a much larger filter size than pretty much any other air purifier model that’s currently available for purchasing.
The main benefit of having a larger filter is that, when compared to other air purifiers, the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model can absorb more particulate matter from the air before needing to be replaced.
The sytstem’s true Medical-Grade HEPA Filter has a life expectancy of 18 to 24 months (this will obviously vary depending on how much you use the unit).
Still, whenever the time to replace its filter comes around, there’s nothing for you to worry about, as the company (EnviroKlenz) offers all of its customers an Auto Refill Program, which ultimately allows users to keep their EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System running at peak performance with a brand-new HEPA Filter whenever they need it.
A Replacement HEPA Filter can cost you between $150 to $120, depending if the company is running a discount campaign or not – which, at the moment, they actually are, so maybe take advantage of that too and pick-up on extra filter for the future, in case you decide to buy this air purifier system.
UVC Lights
Other than its HEPA filter, as mentioned earlier, one of the things that clearly distinguishes this air purifier unit from many other models is that this mobile air purifier system combines its HEPA Filter with two (x2) built-in UVC lamps, which work continuously while the device is ON.
The system’s integrated UVC lamps effectively shine continuously on the unit’s HEPA Filter with a ultraviolet germicidal radiation (UVC Light) to effectively and destroy any living material (like mold, mildew, bacteria or viruses) from the collected airborne organisms as these get collected on the system’s HEPA Filter.
Furthermore, unlike any air purifier systems that depend on killing the organisms as they just pass through their built-in UVC Lights, the UVC Light on the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model is, as mentioned before, continuously shining on these collected organisms and cause what the company calls “a high-efficiency of killing” those same organisms.
Since this cool functionality is not seen in most air purifier models from other brands, we definitely have a good reason here to consider going with the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model.
Just like the system’s HEPA Filter, whenever its time for you to replace its 2 UVC Lamps, you can use the company’s Auto Refill Program to get a set of 2 brand-new Replacement UVC Bulbs, which will only cost you between $40 to just $32 (when on discount).
I’d also like to note that the combination of the system’s HEPA Filter with its unique ultraviolet germicidal radiation capability works as the unit’s secondary layer of defense against any dangerous airborne microorganisms that are successfully captured (such as bacteria, mold, mildew, and viruses).
Advanced Chemistry Technology
Now, what really sets this air purifier system completely apart from any competing air purifier brands is none other than the system’s patented Earth Mineral Technology, which works to attack any surrounding VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) that are present in the air, first effectively absorbing those and then breaking them down to a compound level.
This is the real innovation that the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model has to offer you, as the way the system deals with VOCs (like odors and gases – meaning any of the particles that are too small to be caught by the system’s HEPA Filter) is truly unique.
Still, in order to understand why the system’s solution to deal with VOCs is unique, we have to understand the main problems with the ways that other air purifier models deal with VOCs.
EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge vs Activated Carbon Filters
The most common way that other air purifier models try to remove VOCs is with Carbon (or Charcoal) Technology, which is usually done by using something called an Activated Carbon Filter. This type of specialized filter basically attracts VOCs and traps them, but it can be quite hard to tell when these Activated Carbon Filters are filled up to their maximum capacity.
Not only that, but whenever an Activated Carbon Filter fills up to its maximum capacity, various environmental conditions can ultimately cause off-gassing or releasing the dangerous gasses that these filters originally absorbed, as those gasses were never really destroyed (and only trapped).
In some specific air purifier models, the integrated Activated Carbon Filter is treated with chemicals in order to try to destroy the captured VOCs, but that can also end up contaminating the air within your home.
EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge vs Ioniser Units
On other way for removing VOCs from the air within your home is via ionization. Ionizers are designed to release negatively charged ions into your air to stick to unwanted airborne particles, but that process still doesn’t eliminate or remove any of the unwanted chemicals or odors that might be present in the air. Instead, that just weights them down.
EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge vs PECO Systems & PCO Systems
Another way for dealing with VOCs in the air is using PECO Systems or PCO Systems, which basically use light to excite the reactive material within these units. The excited material then binds to and reacts with the captured unwanted chemicals and unwanted particulates that originally pass through these systems’ built-in filter.
These exposed reactions can result in a number of different byproducts to be released into your air, but more importantly, this process is not that great at VOCs reduction either, at least when compared to the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model.
The EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge
Now, the way the company (EnviroKlenz) solved all of these problems is by having the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model running a patented process that they call “Destructive Absorption”.
This highly-effective filtration process (accurately studied in a Lab) is accomplished through the system’s main filter – the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge – which uses three natural minerals that instead of just absorbing VOCs (like the previously mentioned Activated Carbon Filters do), also helps the system to neutralize and break down the chemistry of all of the captured chemical compounds.
Basically, its EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge is what makes the unit highly-effective against toxic or noxious odors as well as most other chemicals through its proprietary “Adsorptive Neutralization” process (meaning its Advanced Chemistry Technology).
Ultimately, this highly-effective filtration process is exactly what ensures that there’s absolutely no possibility of off-gassing, as that is what allows the unit to effectively remove any odors at all times. As far as we know from all the air purifier units that we’ve reviewed on GadgetGram so far, this is a feature that’s completely unique on this air purifier system.
Not only that, but the system’s highly-effective filtration process also allows the unit to outperform other air purifier models in terms of their pure VOC filtration efficiency.
This first-layer of filtration is what makes this air purifier model one of the best air purifiers on the market specifically for mold and mildew management.
Keep in mind that the system’s EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge is designed to last you around 5-6 months. Once again, the company’s Auto Refill Program will allow you to keep their EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System running at peak performance with a brand-new Replacement Air Cartridge whenever you need it, and those go between $99.99 (original price) all the way down to a hefty $20 discount, making it just $79.99.
Now, moving on to the system’s Interface, or its Control Panel. The system’s Control Panel can be found directly at the front of the unit, perfectly centered in the middle of its front side.
Starting on the left side, we have a Four-Speed Blower Control Switch, which can be used to swap between the system’s four different speed modes (Whisper-Quiet, Low Speed, Medium Speed, and High Speed).
Then, moving on to the system’s three (x3) Indicator Lights, we have a Yellow Indicator Light that informs you whenever the system’s HEPA Filter is clogged with particulate buildup (meaning that it needs to be replaced), as well as two (x2) individual UV-C Lamp Indicator Lights that inform you about when it’s time for those to be replaced as well.
Lastly, under those two UV-C Lamp Indicator Lights we have the system’s On / Off Switch.
When it comes to setting up / preparing your EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model, the process couldn’t be simpler.
Take a look at the company’s Set Up Video Guide embedded below to see exactly how you can easily set up this mobile air purifier system.
The EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model is a mobile air purifier system that combines a high-end HEPA Filter with two germicidal UVC Lamps and an advanced chemistry technology to capture and destroy any fine airborne particles in the air.

While its Medical-Grade HEPA Filter can accurately filter, capture and remove up to 99.97% of sub-micron particles from the air that are as small as up to 0.3 microns with a 99.99% efficiency, the system’s built-in UVC lamps work in combination with its HEPA Filter by continuously shining a powerful ultraviolet germicidal radiation (UVC Light) on any of the airborne organisms that are collected by its HEPA Filter to effectively kill and destroy those same captured airborne particles.
Not only that, but at the same time that second layer of filtration is working, the system’s patented Earth Mineral Technology that’s integrated into its EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge works to attack any surrounding VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) that are present in the air, allowing it to break those down to a compound level.
This is the system’s main feature that makes it incredibly better than any other air purifier models from other brands that are currently available on the market.
After testing the system out thoroughly and comparing it to other models that I’ve received in the past, I’m extremely pleased to say that if you decide to go with EnviroKlenz, you certainly won’t regret it. I’m giving the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model a 9/10 rating, and that’s only because its design could be a little bit more… let’s say modern. Still, when it comes to cleaning the air in your home, this unit will definitely do its job (on that specific matter, obviously a 10/10 rating).
If you’re interested in buying the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV Model, each unit is currently going for $799.00. You can order yours right now, directly from the EnviroKlenz’s official shopping page, which you can access by clicking this link.