Nowadays, parents have all the means and technology necessary to keep tabs on their kids. Still, it’s important to note that whenever a child is reported missing to law enforcement, federal law requires that child be entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (or NCIC, for short). Not only that, but according to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), in 2020 alone there were exactly 365,348 NCIC entries for reported missing children in the United States, and that number usually stays about the same with every passing year. With that said, this next gadget is perfect for any worried parents with young children that feel like they need to keep tabs on their kids whenever the young ones in the family are away from home. Meet the KidsConnect KC2 Phone, a simple, yet powerful 4G GPS Tracker Phone that helps parents to prevent their kids from being part of that same statistic.
The KidsConnect KC2 Phone features GPS, LBS, and Wi-Fi connectivity, working as an all-in-one 4G GPS Tracker Security Solution for real time tracking.
In fact, this is the world’s first 4G cellphone that’s designed specifically for a children’s safety. Thanks to the phone’s GPS connectivity, concerned parents with young children can have a reliable way of having a 24/7 real time location method, thus allowing them to know exactly where their kids are at all times.
As such, this super-simple kids’ phone features no internet connectivity, as well as absolutely no Apps, no games, and no Camera, thus giving perfect a safe, simple and secure tool for communicating with their kids.
Not only that, since this 4G GPS Tracker Phone is extremely simple, it’s also great for seniors, as well as for people with dementia or alzheimer’s, and also for any autistic people.
Now, let’s have a more detailed look at this 4G GPS Tracker Phone and check out its design and its multiple connectivity features, and see exactly how it works as well as look at everything that it has to offer parents and their young children.
Starting with the phone’s design, since the KidsConnect KC2 Phone is designed to work as a super-simple 4G GPS Tracker Phone, this kids phone features a very (and I really mean it), very minimalist design.

Right at the center of the phone, we can quickly see that the KidsConnect KC2 comes equipped with a small built-in touchscreen display, and below that, the phone also integrates a total of just three (x3) Speed Dial Buttons (for which parents can pre-configure 3 different cell phone numbers via the SECURE TRACKER App, which is the phone’s dedicated secure GPS Tracker App – more on that later).
Additionally, there’s also a built-in quick-use SOS Button that triggers the phone’s SOS functionality. Once the phone’s built-in SOS Button is activated, the phone will first send a text message to up to 3 cell phone numbers, for which the text message will say that “the phone’s SOS functionality was triggered”, and the message it will also contain the phone’s exact GPS/LBS/WIFI location.
After the text messages with the phone’s GPS/LBS/WIFI location are sent to those three pre-configured cell numbers, the phone will then repeatedly auto-dial those numbers on its pre-configured SOS list until one phone call is finally answered.
Lastly, at the opposite side of the phone, meaning its back-side, we also have a simple Identification Card that comes direclty integrated to the phone’s body.
This Identification Card can be quickly filled out by parents with all the necessary information about their kids, mainly to have their kid covered on any necessary talks in case that anyone finds their kid in a distress situation (or even just the phone itself) and needs to know the necessary things about them (your kids’ name, his/her parent’s phone number(s), and any potential Allergies and corresponding medications).
As mentioned earlier, the KidsConnect KC2 Phone was specifically designed to work as a 4G GPS Tracker Phone, and as such, it features multiple connectivity options, including GPS, LBS, and Wi-Fi connectivity.
The combination of all of those connectivity options is exactly what allows the unit to provide parents with a method of real time tracking for the phone’s exact location, which can either be done via its dedicated Mobile App (the SECURE TRACKER App) or alternatively, by using any web-enabled device.
Now, while the phone’s main purpose is to work as a 4G GPS Tracker Phone for concerned parents to easily keep tabs on their kids, since this phone actually comes equipped with a built-in touchscreen, your kids can also use it as their go-to touchscreen phone.
With that said, the phone’s Main Screen is very, very simple, displaying what both the current Date and Time, as well as exactly what network connections are currently available (GPS, LBS, and Wi-Fi), and obviously, it will also display the phone’s current battery-status (its current battery-level).
Furthermore, the phone’s Interface also features 5 different Menus, which include both its Internal 15-number Phone Book Menu and its Text Messaging Menu (which, for both mentioned menus, the phone’s pre-programmed numbers will not only be the only numbers that your child can call and text, but those will also be the only numbers that can call and text your kid’s phone). So, for its first security feature, we already have a great functionality when it comes to your child’s security.
Additionally, the phone also features an Alarm Menu (which allows your kids to configure Wake-Up or Reminder Alarms), as well as a Stop Watch Menu (thus allowing kids to time any of their activities, including time spent studying, or alternatively, time spent having fun during breaks from homework and studying).
Lastly, there’s also the phone’s Settings Menu, which can be conveniently used to configure the phone’s Notification Settings and Connectivity Settings.
Basically, this simple 4G GPS Tracker Phone works together with its proprietary Mobile App, called the SECURE TRACKER App, which is available to download for free for both iOS and Android devices.

The phone’s SECURE TRACKER App – which is supposed to be installed on the parents’ Smartphones – specifically works as the phone’s dedicated and secure GPS Tracker App, thus connecting parents directly to their kids’s KidsConnect KC2 Phone and providing them with real-time tracking of all of the family’s KidsConnect KC2 devices (for families with multiple young children) from one single parental account.
As such, via the SECURE TRACKER App, parents can always stay connected with their kids and their KidsConnect KC2 Phone in order to monitor and track their kids’ real-time location (via GPS, LBS, and/or Wi-Fi), for which they can either use their Smartphone or tablet.
Alternatively, and as mentioned before, thanks to the phone’s Wi-Fi connectivity, parents can also use any web-enabled device (a PC, a laptop, etc.) as a secondary way of getting real-time tracking to quickly check exactly where their kids’ and their KidsConnect KC2 Phone are located at.
Additionally, the App also allows parents to easily configure the phone’s three (x3) built-in speed-dial buttons to work with 3 cell numbers of their choice, as well as save up to 15 cell numbers in the phone’s internal 15-number phone book, and even manage any SOS requests made from their children’s KidsConnect KC2 Phone(s).
Real-Time GPS Tracking
Thanks to the phone’s built-in GPS, as well as thanks to both of its LBS and Wi-Fi connectivity features, concerned parents can have a reliable Real-Time Tracking method for the phone and ultimately, they can easily find out about their child’s (and the phone’s) exact location at any given moment.
As such, by simply sending their kids with the KidsConnect KC2 Phone throughout their daily routines, parents will never, ever again have to worry about their children getting lost.
Thanks to the phone’s Geo-Fencing functionalities, parents can also receive a notification at any given moment that their child enters or leaves a predetermined area (configured via the Tracker Website).
Voice Monitoring
The KidsConnect KC2 Phone also supports Voice Monitoring, and as such, parents can choose to listen to their childs surroundings at any time they require to do so.
While parents will most likely love to give their children full privacy, this is a great feature to have available for any situations where parents are feeling insecure or uncertain about their kids’ safety.
Location History
Furthermore, the Tracker Website also features a Location History functionality, where parents can convenitely monitor and keep track of all of the places where their child has been with its KidsConnect KC2 device.
Be aware that this History functionality is solely available on the Tracker Website.
Parental Control & Family Mode
Lastly, the Parental Controls can be used to enable the phone’s Family Mode, for which the phone will then only allow any of its pre-programmed numbers as incoming calls, while all other non-saved numbers will always be instantly blocked.
This is definitely one other great security feature for your child’s safety.
The KidsConnect KC2 Phone comes neatly packed inside a durable and ultra-colorful cardboard box, meaning that even for the unit’s carboardbox, the company once again thought about your kids’ innocent vision of the world, which, if you think about it, is actually a really cool thing. Just look at those colors!
Now, inside each package, parents and their kids will find: their KidsConnect KC2 4G GPS Tracker Phone, the phone’s proprietary Phone Charger and Charging Cable, an included lanyard, a dedicated SIM card, and also, the phone’s easy-to-follow User Manual.
The KidsConnect KC2 Phone features GPS, LBS, and Wi-Fi connectivity, working as an all-in-one 4G GPS Tracker Security Solution for real time tracking.

Working together with its proprietary SECURE TRACKER App, which works specifically as the phone’s dedicated and secure GPS Tracker App, this 4G GPS Tracker Phone brings parents several real-time In-App tracking features that are based on the phone’s GPS, LBS and Wi-Fi connectivity options. In all honesty, all of the App’s features (both tracking and non-tracking features) are extremely useful, and ultimately bring parents with great peace of mind.

Overall, both the phone itself (which will be used by kids) as well as its proprietary App (for parents) are fairly easy to use, and when used together, parents are directly connected to their kids’s KidsConnect KC2 Phone, thus providing them with real-time tracking for the unit, as well as their children.
All that makes the KidsConnect KC2 Phone the perfect All-in-One 4G GPS Tracker Security Solution for concerned parents with young children, thus giving parents the best possible way of obtaining peace of mind while their kids are away from home.
You can get your KidsConnect KC2 unit in one of two (x2) different color models: Silver or Black.
If you’re interested in buying it, each unit is currently going for just $129.95. You can order yours online, directly from KidsConnect’s official shopping page, which you can access by clicking here.