No matter if you’ve just started your fitness journey, or whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or even a professional athlete, having a post-workout muscle recovery tool like a massage gun can greatly help you to recover quicker so that you can get back to working out and ultimately achieve your fitness goals in a shorter amount of time. These handheld devices (also called Deep Tissue Percussion Massagers) offer you a faster muscle recovery by simply applying pulses of concentrated pressure deep into a user’s muscle tissue. This form of deep-tissue massage not only helps to reduce muscle inflammation and muscle soreness by focusing on releasing knots and tension out of a user’s muscles, but also also helps to improve blood circulation and can even enhance your range of motion. So, if you’ve been looking to buy a massage gun and you don’t really know which one to pick, I’d suggest you take a look at the newly released Urikar AT1 Massage Gun.
The Urikar AT1 Massage Gun is a professional-grade AI-Powered deep tissue percussion massager that’s capable of delivering up to 65 lbs. of no-stall force, 16mm amplitude depth, 8 speed-levels that can be set up to 3800rpm, all while featuring up to 10 hours of battery life.
Now, what really makes this revolutionary and first-of-its-kind AI-powered massage gun so special is its proprietary Advanced Intelligent Massage Head Recognition Technology, which ultimately makes it able to offer users that want the most out of their massage gun the very best of deep-tissue percussion massagers.
Basically, the Urikar AT1’s unique Massage Head Recognition Technology allows the massage gun to automatically adapt itself to your specific deep-tissue massaging needs, which automatically triggers the massage gun to give its users detailed instructions on exactly where they’re supposed to massage.
In other words, this awesome AI-powered combines its Body-Mapping Technology with a very accurate Automatic Massage Force Adjustment function, which easily helps users to set both an optimal speed as well as the exact amount of force that they require for targeted pain mitigation.
Now, without any further ado, let’s have a fully detailed look at this awesome massage gun and check out everything that the Urikar AT1 is “packing under the hood”.
Starting with the gun’s unique design, this massage gun features a reasonably compact size and is also fairly lightweight.

Combined with its compact size, this awesome massage gun also features a unique ergonomic D-Shaped quadrangle handle that ultimately makes it easier for you to reach literally anywhere, and that even includes those awkward and sometimes hard-to-reach muscle sections and joints on your back, as well as your buttocks and inner calves.
Now, what makes the Urikar AT1 one of the fastest, most powerful, and most reliable massage guns that are currently available on the market is specifically its powerful 65W Brushless Motor, which works at high frequencies that can go up to 3800 RPM.

This powerful 65W Brushless Motor is exactly what makes this beast of a massage gun capable of penetrating up to 16 millimeters into muscle tissue (16mm amplitude depth) with up to 65 lbs. of no-stall force, and thanks to that, you’re able to get accurate deep-tissue muscle treatments every time you use it, ultimately bringing you satisfying and reliable results on every massage, whether that’s before or after your workout sessions.
Furthermore, this massage gun also integrates a set of Futuristic Cooling Vents on each of its sides that had their design inspired on the idea of a spacecraft. To put it simply, these unique cooling vents greatly help to extend the life of the massage gun’s motor by preventing the build-up of heat.

Lastly, this AI-Powered deep tissue percussion massager also comes equipped with built-in Infrared Inspection Sensors that ultimately allow its Automatic Adaptive Massage Speed Settings to detect whenever the gun’s deep-tissue massage should have its speed increased or slowed down.
Basically, these built-in Infrared Sensors are exactly what allows this AI-powered massage gun to have a smart percussive speed adaptation functionality that’s based on your massage movement.
Thanks to that, users can quickly Start and/or Pause the massage gun progressively, respectively when they have their Urikar AT1 Massage Gun near or away from their target massage area, and this automatic Start / Stop functionality not only allows them to reduce any unpleasant vibration, but also helps the gun to have a longer battery life than many other models on the market.
Now, while this first-of-its-kind AI-powered massage gun might look ultra-futuristic, using it couldn’t be easier than what it already is. That said, right at the bottom of the gun, you have a built-in Power Button that allows you to easily turn the massage gun On and Off.
By performing a long-press on its Power Button, the massage gun will be powered On. Keep in mind that a Blue Indicator Light will quickly let you know when the massage gun is turned On and ready-to-use.
Additionally, built-in right at the back of the gun and close to its top side, we also have an integrated Smart Dashboard that makes the Urikar AT1 super easy to use. Powered by an Italian made STM chip, the gun’s Smart-Dashboard collects, analyses, displays and instructs you through every massage cycle, giving you suggestions on where and how long to massage.
All that ultimately makes this massage gun the easiest to use between all massage gun models that you can currently find available for purchasing. Really, it’s literally as simple as pointing and massaging.
Last of all, the massage gun’s Smart Dashboard also offers you all the information you need about the gun’s current status.
This includes the Massage Mode you’re currently running, the current speed that you have the gun set to operate at, an accurate measurement of your Massage’s Time-Duration, a Body-Map (at the center of the dashboard, represented by a human body shape) that tells you exactly on what area you should massage next, the gun’s current Battery level, a visual representation of the gun’s automatically detected massage head attachment (thanks to its Advanced Intelligent Massage Head Recognition Technology), a Charging Indication Icon (when you have the gun’s battery connected to power to have it recharged), and a Human Body Induction Icon (works together with the gun’s built-in Passive InfraRed Inspection Sensors to allow the gun to detect the heat from your body, thus telling it when your muscles are warm enough so that the gun automatically lowers its speed).
I’d also like to point out that while the gun’s Passive InfraRed Inspection Sensors can automatically have it regulate its deep-tissue percussion speed (thanks to its Automatic Adaptive Massage Speed Settings), users can also choose to adjust the gun’s massaging speed manually, and that can be quickly done by simply tapping on the gun’s Speed Increase and Speed Decrease Arrow Buttons (found at the bottom left and bottom right of the gun’s Smart Dashboard).
Since this massage gun is completely cordless, the AT1 is powered by a built-in rechargeable 2600mAh Lithium-Ion battery that can offer you up to 10 hours of sustained use on a full charge.
Thanks to that, you can ultimately use this powerful massage gun for small massage sessions every day (or every other day) for several weeks without having to recharge it.
To recharge the massage gun’s battery, all you have to do is to connect the gun’s included Power Adapter to its Charging port, which can be found at the bottom side of the gun (right next to its Power Button).
Massage Head Recognition
As mentioned before, the Urikar AT1 features a proprietary Advanced Intelligent Massage Head Recognition Technology. The integration of this smart head-recognition technology is what allows the massage gun to automatically adapt itself to your specific deep-tissue massaging needs, automatically triggering the gun to give you detailed massage instructions for point-to-point muscle stiffness relaxation, meaning that the gun tells you exactly where you’re supposed to massage.
As mentioned earlier, this works by combining its Body-Mapping Technology with a very accurate Automatic Massage Force Adjustment function, which then allows the gun to easily help users to set both an optimal speed as well as the exact amount of force for carefully measured percussive patterns that are require for targeted pain mitigation.
AI-Powered Auto Mode & Professional Mode
While this massage gun can be used with its AI-Powered Auto Mode (designed for Daily Life use), more advanced users can also switch its operation mode for Professional Mode (which is designed to meet more professional needs, like targetting a very specific area of a muscle group, etc.).
The Urikar AT1 Massage Gun comes neatly packed inside its dedicated Carrying & Storage Case (included in your purchase), along with a couple of accessories, which included 6 Silicone Rubber Head Attachments, the gun’s proprietary Power Adapter, and a User Manual.
This set of six (x6) different Silicone Rubber Head Attachments allows you to fully-customize the gun for different types of massage treatments, and thanks to that, you can ultimately ensure that you can use the gun for any muscle-group massage without ever having any soft tissue damage.
These Silicone Rubber Head Attachments are fairly easy to swap around and are also equally comfortable to use.
The Urikar AT1 Massage Gun is a professional-grade AI-Powered deep tissue percussion massager that’s capable of delivering up to 65 lbs. of no-stall force, 16mm amplitude depth, 8 speed-levels that can be set up to 3800rpm, all while featuring up to 10 hours of battery life.

Overall, this massage gun is super easy to use and ultimately, it can make your post-workout recovery process much easier, as well as make it last for a shorter amount of time.
If you’re interested in buying it, each set is currently going for just $269.99. You can order yours online right now, directly from Urikar’s official shopping page, or alternatively, you can also get it directly from Amazon, if you prefer to do that. Click either of the provided links to go to the corresponding websites.