Ever wondered if you should give your doggo some ice cubes to calm them down during a hot summer day? Well, long story short – there is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual dog. Some dogs may be susceptible to the cold and may develop health problems from eating ice, while others may be able to tolerate it without any issues.
But let’s be honest: there’s something particularly satisfying with crunching an ice cube and feeling the cold on a hot day. But is gnawing on ice safe for dogs? Can you give ice cubes to your four-legged friend safely? Let’s find out about the options of giving dogs ice and what risks it can entail.
How do ice cubes impact your dog’s teeth?
Generally, giving a few pieces of ice to your dog cannot negatively impact your dog’s teeth. The situation is drastically different when it comes to large chunks of ice that require lots of chewing and gnawing. The larger and more firm the ice cube is, the higher chance it has of leading to a tooth fracture. Let’s not forget that a broken tooth or a fracture can be extremely painful and may require oral surgery to repair.
However, most dogs prefer smaller ice pieces or crushed ice pellets. Overall, these tiny pellets or crushed ice chunks are a better option than large, solid cubes that can lead to fractures or broken teeth. One other alternative is to provide frozen snacks, which are mildly frozen. This way, you can still treat your dog without the risk of getting a big veterinarian bill. Regarding veterinarian bills, one can skip this unfortunate event using the Emergency Fund service. You get $3,000 in emergency expenses, such as a tooth fracture, and unlimited access to a certified online veterinarian. The service is available for US-based customers only.
Can ice cubes become a choking hazard?
Ice cubes can be a choking hazard for small dogs. It’s best to avoid giving them ice altogether or at least breaking it into smaller pieces first. Large chunks of ice can also be a choking hazard for larger dogs, but there are only a few reports of such instances. A general rule of thumb is to be cautious about what you give to your dog. Also, make sure to supervise when you treat your four-legged friend with ice chunks, even small ones.
Can ice cubes cause bloating?
There is no evidence that ice cubes cause bloating in dogs. Some dog owners give their dogs ice cubes to chew on as a way to keep them cool and hydrated in hot weather which can lead to bloating, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. If your dog is bloated, it is important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the cause.
If bloating is not accompanied by other severe symptoms, you can always contact a 24/7 online veterinarian using the Online Vet service. For only $19.99/month, you get professional help from a team of certified veterinarians. This platform as well becomes handy when your dog is bloating or has other worrying symptoms. This subscription is available to customers in all English-speaking countries, including the UK. Yay!
Can ice cubes help cool dogs down?
Yes, ice cubes can help cool dogs down. The ice cubes can help lower the dog’s body temperature and make them feel more comfortable. Still, there are countless ways how to cool your dog down on a hot day. During the summer, you can add icy treats to your dog’s water bowl to keep the temperature lower than usual. As a whole, ice chunks can prevent drinking the water too quickly, which, in turn, can potentially lead to bloating. So, if your dog is gulping up the water instead of drinking it carefully, consider adding crushed ice cubes or icy treats.
When using ordinary ice cubes, mind their size to omit a choking hazard or a tooth fracture. Since dogs don’t sweat as humans do, dogs need access to shelter, fresh (and cold) water, and shade during the hottest summer days. So, to cool your dog down, consider adding smaller ice cubes to their bowls. However, supervise the gnawing on ice to prevent any unwanted health-related situations.
Can ice cubes help sick dogs?
When being ill, dogs can get dehydrated or have fever-like symptoms. Regardless of the reason, four-legged friends can be extremely thirsty. Thus, you might think to add a few ice cubes to ease your dog’s struggles. However, when you don’t know the illness’s cause, it’s better to abstain from home remedies, such as ice cubes. But if your dog is nauseous, consider giving them small amounts of ice chunks.
Bottom Line
Based on the information in the article, it is safe to say that dogs can eat ice cubes. If your dog is sick or bloating, it’s better to abstain from giving chunks of ice to your four-legged friend. And don’t forget to crush large ice chunks to avoid tooth fractures or related traumas. As with anything else, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian before giving your dog anything new to eat.